COMPASS V2 for FS 15
Displays a compass on the screen while in a motorized vehicle.
Note! It will NOT drive the vehicle for you! – It only displays a compass, and thats it!
There are eight default preset positions, which can be cycled through using the action ‘Compass position’ (default keys: LEFT-ALT C).
When quitting the map, the Compass_Config.XML file – placed in the MODS folder – is updated with the available presets and current selected one.
Default action/key assignments:
LEFT-ALT C – Compass position
This mod’s script files MAY NOT, SHALL NOT and MUST NOT be embedded in any other mod nor any map-mod! – However it is accepted if this mod is packed into a mod-pack archive, when this mod’s original ZIP-file and hash-value is kept intact.
Please do NOT upload this mod to any other hosting site – I can do that myself, when needed!
Keep the original download link!
Problems or bugs?
If you encounter problems or bugs using this mod, please use the support-thread at – Find the mod (and correct version) in the mods section, in category ‘Other – Game Scripts’.
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.