MapAmpeln V2 FS15
This is the latest version of the traffic light script, with built-in flash
Script: Bluebaby210 The script controls the execution of the traffic lights in the game. The script does not need to be incorporated into the map and does not need to be changed or unpacked. All controls the execution of Amepln is set in GE. To install the lights in GE you need the lights Kit for mappers, which may under mod-portal.com be downloaded. You should also regularly stop by see if there might be changes to the script, so you always in possession of the latest version . since for all of you the following applies:. Should you install the lights on your map, so you can do the course, you need it to obtain any release, but this is forbidden, the MapAmpeln.zip in your map is upload with Respects this please, someone Meinug should he need not stick to it and the MapAmpeln.zip but in its map with upload, so we will take action against it. The zip file is here to Dirketen DL and can be downloaded free of any, so links the MapAmpeln.zip in your description! Instructions for installation of traffic lights you find in Mapper Kit and here in the forum in the tutorials . Thanks go to ” . “for his tip and the explanation for the installation of the” global “variables, as well as” model eicher “for the release of its code to save bassaddict to photos Thanks !!! K ompatibilität with old maps: As long as the Mapper to the specifications for installation held lights, flashing works on old maps that have been created using the V1. Flashing where other scripts to try the case of errors in connection with maps, you will apply the mapper, I am not responsible for scripts that access the traffic light script.
The transport stops at red at the traffic lights.
Your player than can go over it with cars in red when you walk on foot, then you run against an invisible wall.
The sequence of lights can be set differently, at least the length of the green phase. Must be in GE are set during installation of the traffic lights in the Map.
Traffic lights regulate traffic nurin a certain time, also set in GE. Are the lights outside this time, only be seen at the traffic lights, the yellow / orange flashing light.
Traffic lights can be switched off manually in a built-in trigger, they are turned off, then only the yellow / orange flashing light is visible.
In multiplayer, the traffic lights are out of action, that is, you enter a MP game gets her a message. In MP is then only the flashing light to see.
N eu in the V2:
It will be flashed when passing over a red lights and have to pay a penalty, this happens only when the light is longer than 1 second in red.
There is a “photographic evidence” the made “offense” and stored in the screenshots folder to a new folder (redOverdrive).
Status of traffic lights, off whether manually or stored. Who turns the lights to start the game, this now does not need to do at each shop
You can turn off the storing tremendous photos. Happened in the traffic light trigger, texts are displayed in the help box
In the displayed warning when passing over in red, appears how often was flashed on the score and how much punishment you insegsamt paid.
In MP no traffic light function, as in the V1. A Save the MP, does not affect your settings if pictures are taken and whether lights are on / off in Sp.
Photos are saved as .jpg. It can, however, in less powerful computers lead to a brief halt, this is with you the case, simply turn off to make the photo
Attributes for the sentence was added when the attribute is not entered, the fine is € 350, more information under the functions of the text.
<Attribute name = “Punishment_Red_overdrive” type = “integer” value = “350” />
the penalty is set to 0 in GE, it is automatically set to 350 €.
B strands in the V2:
One can be flashed once per red phase. Does you drive a Red Light, then you will be flashed, turning her now quickly and to ride again on the same traffic light, you will not be flashed. Only when the traffic light was green again and again is red, you will again flashed.
BUT, at an intersection, which are “penalties per traffic light circulating” added. Does based on the example of a 3 intersection. The first traffic light gives the command and counts how many times you with a circulation over red driven since. All traffic lights are red, the first changes to green, so you can at traffic lights 2 and 3 go over it in red, at the first crossing, the penalty is 1x penalty (350 €), you ride over traffic light 3 also in red, you have to double pay a fine (700 €) when traffic lights 1 then red again and traffic light 2 green, so you can over traffic light 1 drive in red, then must 3x pay her (1050 €), at traffic lights 2 you can after the green phase again over red drive, penalty is then 4x (1400 €), at traffic light 3 is also a 2nd exceeds possible, so the 5 times the penalty must be paid (1750 €). After all the traffic lights of an intersection were green once again are red, so a crossing is through the traffic light sequence again, you pay again just the normal penalty.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.