Attention: Remember to unpack/unzip the downloaded file, as it contains two mod files!
– Using updated ‘ModsSettings’-mod version 0.2.0
– Map-icons are now rendered on-top of the MaxiMap-overlay
– Fix for ‘withering’-color was not showing on the overlay
– French translation by Txadi
– Polish translation by Ziuta
– German translation by Kobe
– Spanish translation by Vanquish081
– Russian translation by Gonimy_Vetrom
– Minor fix for when ‘AAA_ModsSettings.ZIP’ is missing
Mod description
Take a look at the screenshots for a much better description of what this mod can do.
In addition to showing the fruit-types and growth-states of crops in the maximized world-map, this mod also allows you to customize the colors of fruits and growth-states.
Please note: Only when on foot (i.e. not driving a vehicle), the mouse-cursor becomes available to allow selecting and editing the colors.
Default keys
9 = Game’s default for zooming world-map (remember to enable the map in the ESC-screen’s 2nd page)
0 = Toggles through the MaxiMap Overlay’s pages (only when world-map is maximized)
mouse-cursor = Only available when on foot, to select and edit colors & visibility
These mod files MaxiMapOverlay.ZIP and AAA_ModsSettings.ZIP MUST NEVER be embedded in any other mod. – However it is accepted if they are included in a mod-pack, when the mods original hash-values are kept intact.
Please do NOT upload this mod to any other hosting site – I can do that myself, when needed!
Keep the original download link!
Problems or bugs?
If you encounter problems or bugs using the ‘MaxiMapOverlay’ mod, please use the support-thread.
Script: Decker_MMIV
French translation by Txadi
Polish translation by Ziuta
German translation by Kobe
Spanish translation by Vanquish081
Russian translation by Gonimy_Vetrom
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 2015 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.