MultiOverlay Hud script V 1.0
The multi overlay Hud mod aims to provide you a quick overview of some important information features of the game.
Quick Overview:
Best prices
Stock / Total Cost (small or complex) + Fremdhud suppression (if known)
Color design choice (optional interchangeable)
miniPDA Icon interchangeable (Design by Oelly)
ZoomIn / Out function (optimally at many stations)
selectable warning function for the miniPDA
miniPDA Icon ZoomIn / Out (with pos1 / end)
miniPDA new position (with Up / Dowm)
On / Off dazzle Inactiven fruits
updateInterval optional adjustable (default every 3.75 min)
manual quick update
optional custom color design adjustable
Configurations XML file (finger off if you do not know what you’re doing)
Free Keyboard Layout
Single / Multiplayer Support: YES
DetiServer functions: NO (must shine with presence)
A BIG THANKS also to Oelly always extensively tests the new versions for errors.
The configuration via the keyboard may not be ideal at first glance. But since one usually uses only the first time this. Fits the first case. Otherwise, simply modify.
Configuration: (default keyboard setting)
Open F11 / close the multi overlay menus
—- Only active when multi overlay is opened —-
F12 changes sides (not currently relevant)
Num – + ZoomIn / Out (incl miniPDA ads.)
Num * Hides No bearing fruit on / off (miniPDA incl. Listings)
Num 9 Design selection (incl. MiniPDA Listings)
Num 8 Random Design (only active when random design is selected)
Num 7 Save Random Design (only active when random design is selected)
Num Enter miniPDA Icon On / Off
—- Only active when multi overlay and miniPDA On is —-
Image UP / Down moves the miniPDA icon up or down
pos1 / end ZoomIn / Out of miniPDA Icons
N miniPDA icon Warning On / Off
—- Only active when multi overlay closed and miniPDA On is —-
Num 7 Stocks
Num 8 best prices
Num 9 animals
Num 4 greenhouses
Num 5 fast stock / price small display
—- Only active if a miniPDA (On) display is activated —-
F12 manual update of the Current miniPDA ad
Hinweisse: The updateInterval was prepared by me intentionally so high. This saves resources. The indicators for the stock are not affected. Animals are being updated by giant generally only after few minutes, corresponding therefore it can be an overlap. Since this might help the manual update in an open miniPDA display (F12):-) And stay away from the XML file if you do not know what are you doing, otherwise the mod can no longer work properly under some circumstances.
Note: A similar feedback from you, me and the new or further development of this mod would be very good to come. Suggestions, criticisms, etc. are therefore desirable. And the buttons are below not only graced! A click does anyone hurt. After all, it rewarded the work of modders, whether positive or negative. Think about it and Thanks in advance to anyone else.
Feedback would like to: zoom, design, miniPDA, advertisements, configuration, handling, etc.
And who does not like that should not simply load
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to install mods
Farming Simulator 15 game is an agricultural game that gives you an opportunity to grow vegetables, take care of animals and buy or repair Cars, Combines, Tractors or other vehicles.
In FS 2015 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.