Krampe BBS900 Trailer V 1.1
Love Modhoster community,
I present to you here the staple BBS900 as a partner to the mixing station of Marhu. Was modified for optimal care of Mischstattion the volume to 50.000l. In addition to the original model can forage, grass_windrow, wheat_windrow and manure are loaded. Otherwise, everything corresponds to the original model. It is also loaded the original model. This allowed the file size can be kept very low.
The mod is Modhoster-exclusive! What does this should be obvious.
Version 1.1
Auf Userwunsch Filltype “Seeds2” hinzugefügt, damit der Anhänger gebeiztes Saatgut aus Marhu’s Seedmaster 2k15 laden kann. Vielleicht hat jemand einen Tip, wie man das modden könnte, dass man das andersfarbige Saatgut auch im Hänger dann andersfarbig hat..
Giants Software
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.