Hi Farmers,
I edited an existing mod to adapt it to my needs. Indeed, for mods UPK small BGA and UPK Fuel Refinery, i needed a big trailer to sell my productions (Fertilizer and fuel).
Now, my trailer can be filled with liquid manure, fuel and fertilizer.
If the trailer is filled with fertilizer, you can transfer toward your sprayers
If the trailer is filled with fuel, you can only transfer the fuel toward your other fuel trailers by pressinf key “O”. I don’t know the reason that don’t allows you to refill directly your tractor. Sorry for that
To finish, If the trailer is filled with liquid manure, the trailer can be use to refill your slurry tank
I added the “isDyeable” option that allows you to choose the color of the tank.
The specs are :
Power : 120
FillType : liquidManure, Fuel, Fertilizer
Capacity : 54.000 Liters
Price : 135.000 €/$
Daily Keep Up : 45 €/$
I hope you will enjoys this change.
Special thanks to Thomas & Mahru who published this trailer that let me to add some functions
Mahru (Author)
Thomas (Publisher)
Neoblaster (Edit and re-publish)
How to install mods
In Farming Simulator 15 it’s easy to install mods. You just need to download mod from www.farming2015mods.com. Upload to your game folder. After that you need to activate the mods you want to use.