FS17 BMW i8 V 1.1
Version 1.1
Heckfenster animiert
Knöpfe Beschriftet (ist noch nicht ganz fertig)
Originaler Motorsound (Danke an BMW Göndle aus St.Pölten)
Hello her dear LS17 player!
I would like to introduce my BMW i8 today and offer you to download.
Improvements to LS15 version:
LED turn signals in the right direction
DRL actress from the Schinkendreieck
Doors can open from inside and outside
Color selection
Other small changes
LED turn signal ( FS17 Light Addon is needed )
dimmed headlights
High beam
Opening doors (from the inside also outside)
Other small
Important information !!!
Mekert can keep it to himself.
I ask you to be polite to NOT upload this mod to another page!
So much said I wish you much fun with the mod.
John Deere 5615F(TschiZack Gameing)
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.