FS17 manure bucket for Handwork (filled) V 1.0
You’ve built yourself a greenhouse but no cows could you produce manure? Then go get your manure bucket just at the local car dealer. Guaranteed warm and fresh, yummi.
By hand you can load them to your pickup and belt them (see the pickup here: https://www.farming2015mods.com/farming-simulator-2017-mods/fs17-packs/fs17-fertilizer-seeds-pig-feed-refill-hand-v-1-0/ ).
Note: So far can not be dumped directly into the greenhouse; simply fill it into your manure fork (hold the bottom of the bucket over it) and then tip your manure fork. (If anyone knows the right trigger, just tell me!).
Price: € 130 (high quality manure)
Capacity: 200 l (so you do not have to run too often).
Notice also the water tank (2000l)
and the liquid fertilizer canister (200l)
Modell: Giants / moep0710
Textur: moep0710
Script: slowtide63 / Xentro
Idee / Konzept: moep0710
Tester: moep0710
Sonstige: moep0710
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Any way to up the load to say 1000l and the price to $650