FS17 Teleloader hightip shovel V 1 . 1 . F
Version 1 . 1 . F
# wie 1.1.T jedoch für Stoll Frontlader
Ladevolumen 4250 Liter
# V 1.1.T – added for Teleloader 5250 Liter Fillvolume
# V 1.1.F – added for Frontloader 4250 Liter Fillvolume
Here the original Giants HochkippSchauel from loaders for Telelader for use.
for those who prefer to fill the BGA to the more agile TL instead of the wheel loader.
or the keyboard farmers (like me) are the articulated steering seasick :-)
Have done nothing as the entries in the xml of Wheel Loader amended to Tele Loader.
and in addition, the pickup width = “1.32” on pickup width = “1.62” changed because of the silo walls.
the suspension is not yet the same as the Wheel Loader, as the novel objects thanks giants now no longer so easy to change (read: copy the suspension of the TL-blade and reinkopieren – thanks “verschmelztem” 3d object) but have the attacher joint set slightly higher so that it appears optically not so funny
and last but not least the weight of the bucket of 250kg to 600kg increases so it will not hinundherwackelt in attacher
btw, fill volume 5250 liters
Giants / anthu
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.