FS17 The Alps 17 V 0.97 beta
Welcome back in the Alps.
Today I present you the popular map: The Alps 17.
Please understand that the map is not finished yet and is in the beta phase.
I also want to address the subject of permission. The original mod of the map “karlezagar” unfortunately does not speak the language German, which is why I could not ask him if I may publish the map. My foreign language skills are not exactly the best. I hope you understand. Of course, my respect continues to be “karlezagar” for his beautiful map.
And now to the map. The trees on the map were all set by hand. Of course that was a lot of work. In addition, the map was also adapted to the LS17. All this has been added:
– New triggers
– Cow pasture
– sheep pasture
– Chicken coop
– 3D trees
– Waterplane
– Silo at the yard
– Scheunetrigger
– Cattle purchases
Again, I want to point out that this is a beta. The pigs are still missing a lot of others. There are also many errors in the log. So I also ask here for a lot of understanding and please note that this is still a beta.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.