City from Vaszics 2.4
Changes compared to version 2.3
Due to the updating of Farming Simulator 1.5.1, the map had to be redirected.
The compost was driven out of the map.
New fruit is the greenmanure that has replaced the compost.
A new plant has been set up. Green manure is a mixing and ripening plant, in the north of the Compostmaster site.
The production, storage and sale of sand and gravel have been modified.
Here is a direct sand and gravel selling point on the island.
In the juice production, the compost finished product was replaced by the manure. The cherry and the plum parts have also been restored.
The information boards have been revised.
Repairing PDAs.
Smaller landscaping.
Factory and store info has been updated (Externally PDF file). Due to the modification, XLS is also included in the package.
Re-examine the sales system.
Version 2.3 was also valid.
To change the names of modes who are already playing the map, replace the following (new player has no action).
These modes are:
These are the ways.
The two drills must be re-purchased.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
The main data of the 4x map:
Factory (40)
(cement), Rabbits (rabbitmeat), Rabbits (rabbitmeat), Rabbits (rabbitmeat), Green manure, CoffeeRaw, CoffeeRoaster, Biofood (fatteningfood, goosefood, rabbitfood), Goose (V), Oil field (oil, motoroil), Sand_gravel Slaughterhouse (sausage, meat), Brewery (beer, strawberry beer, raspberry beer, redcurrants beer), Cannery (saladMix, coleslaw), Cake factory, Yogurt Factory, Refinery, Hmilk, Distillery, Sawmill, Sand, Sugar factory, , Potato Center (Potato Center, Steamed Potato), Reibekuchen, Soya, Weberei, Pallet, Eggfarm, Greenhouses (strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants), Greenhouses1 (tomato, cauliflower, lettuce, pumpkin, melon), Dairy (yogurt, condensedmilk , Kefir, butter, Fish (kaviar, live and frozen trout, fish meal), Noodles, Juice, Backwaren, bread, Whiskey, Fermenting Silo, Dryer, Forage Factory, PigFood factory
Store (28)
Cowshed_construction, Airport, Bufalo Grill, Bale Storage, Building Market, Pub, City, City Grain, Farmshop, Fuel Sales, GrainMill, GrainTrans, Horse Stable, Manure Processing, Port of GrainMill, PowerPlant, Fish2, Shop1, Shop2, Shop3, Fruit1, Fruit2, Fruit3, Sand_gravel sale
Products (94)
green manure, coffeeBeanBD, coffeeBD, fatteningfood, goosefood, rabbitfood, goosemeat, gooseliver, oil, motoroil, gravel, cement, concrete, rabbitmeat, wheat, barley, rape, maize, sunflower, soybean, potato, onion, carrot, lettuce, grass_windrow, straw, dryGrass_windrow, chaff, silage, forage, pigFood, woodChips, booze, beer, hmilk, sugar, flour, cake, cherry, plum, cookingOil, coleslaw, reibekuchen, steamed Potato, washed Potato, stewrolleMK, empty pallet, easter egg, strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants, cardboard, yogurt1, condensedmilk, kefir, butter, caviar, live and frozen trout, fish meal, noodles, cauliflower, lettuce, pumpkin, melon, backwaren, whiskey. potato chips, strawberry beer, raspberry beer, redcurrants beer, sausage, meat, bread, backwaren, barleyflour, cornflour, wheatflour, manure, liquidManure, stoffrolleMK
For more information, see the enclosed guide (Guide1).
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Hi great map and keep up the great work please do input so sugarcane can be sown and harvested in this map