Welcome to the download area of the Am Deich.
Many will know our map of the videos. But I have to say, that is a beta version, it is because we / I currently have little time because of personal things. That’s why I want to map the map now to the DL, because I will not come to the next months to create anything in the area of modding. We / I do not want this map on our harddisks “gammelte” and make it therefore to the download.
Vertex Dezign: machine halls, cereal hall, grain store, timber fences, lime storage, shelter
Steffen30muc: Machine dealer Müller, Dausch Unterstand
Fatian: road model
NKB Modding: Fermenter
Nick98: Road signs pack
The_Green_Flash: Bullenstall
Manure plumbing: workshop equipment,
LS_Landtechnik: guard rails set, gas distribution station, welding machine, compressor
GE Mapping: Wire Mesh Fence
Max311: Michviehstall
Raptor5: Trees
Seba j: Unpaved roads
Contractor Wild (street textures, fruit textures)
Manuel: biogas plant objects
Heady: BGA scripts, silos
Sunsh1ne: Billinger Landhandel
MartinBigM500: Roth grain trade
Fendtfan1: Feldschilder, wood chip bearing, bridge
GolFox: Houses
M-S_Buschi: Europaletten-set, large wooden storage set, tool objects
Where can I load seed?
At the farm, cereal farm,
Where can I load fertilizer?
Same position as seed
Is the milk picked up?
The milk is collected automatically once a day
Will there be a mixed ration?
No, there is enough space at the yard so you can store bales.
Will the watermod be installed?
No, it may be installed in a later version
I can not open the gates?
Is the animation map trigger in the Modordner, otherwise the modordner empty and only with the map and the animation map trigger.
Are the fields already fertilized?
The fields where fruit is cultivated are already fertilized.
The map can only be offered with ORIGINAL link on other forums or website!
The map may not be uploaded new or in a modified version!
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.