Gold Crest Edit. V1.0.0.5
So a few of you saw my pics last weekend of some changes I had made to my V1.0.0.4 and asked for it so here it is….
Update details. A new game must be started due to the changes.
3 new foliage layers added to the map.
Map painted with the new layers in key areas.
Farm Silo Fruit storage adjusted, Pig Food added and a few others.
Area and field changes made at 11, 2 and 13.
Access to free water from field 11 added.
New farm yard texture added.
New hangars added to the yard which were my placeable versions.
Night lighting added to the sheds.
Prices adjusted in the map.
Ground detailing finished in the map.
The map was transferred to the new game version 1.31 base map.
Wood trailer trigger moved at the main sawmill.
Lake access improved at the main sawmill.
PDA updated with new area changes.
The map was re-optimised yesterday to get rid of all the junk files.
Map size in MB reduced due to optimisation.
All the trees were replaced in the map with new models for upload.
Small shelter added in the sheep meadow.
Small tweaks to objects around the map that got in the way.
There’s more but your won’t notice.
Have fun with it and have a great weekend Folks.
Original by Giant’s, mod by Stevie.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Hello,near the shed for the cows can not be put Lely Juno 100