FS17 Goldcrest Valley II V
1) Revamped the farm area.
2) Moved cow zone to farm area.
3) Adjusted a few fields.
4) A lot of terrain changes.
5) Changed farm buildings.
6) Added a temporary PDA Map (Not fully to scale).
7) Added 2 additional cow silo’s.
This is an edited version of the original Goldcrest Valley. This is currently the Beta version.
For those of you who don’t know me one of the things I do is edit the original maps.
This is an edited version of Goldcrest Valley. Some things have been moved, more objects have been added and a few areas opened up.
FEATURES V1.1.0.0 Beta:
Storage Silos currently for the following fill types (located near the Cow Zone) Also note that the fill levels are displayed in the sell/expenses menu:
Added FuelTank at the main farm area for refueling.
Revamped the farm area.
Major adjustments to terrain and vegitation (still needs more adjustments).
Fixed Fill limits on all silos/holding areas. I couldn’t remove the fill limit so I just increased it to an insane amount it default to 2147483647L.
Integrated the mod Placeable Refill Tanks (by GIANTS Software) mod is not needed.
Added Seeds and Fertilizer placeable already on map.
Added 4 Water Pump stations one at each animal area and one at Main Farm.
Added 2 additional cow silo’s.
This is still a work in progress their still may be floating bushes etc.
The current PDA map is a temp one.
Mixing Stations. (Currently the .lua script is giving me issues).
Replace/update PDA_Map.
Patato, sugar beat, and wood chip storage.
Consoladate pig and sheep zones to farm area.
CHANGE LOG V1.1.0.0:
Updated PDA map still working on the final one (The scaling is off but it give you an idea of where everything is).
Moved cow zone to farm area. (other animal areas will be moved soon).
Adjusted a few fields (sizes, and for clearance).
A lot of terrain changes. (some bushes may still be floating).
Changed farm buildings.
Added a temp pda map, still working on final one. (current one is not quite to scale but it give you an idea of where things are and whats changed).
Added 2 additional cow silo’s.
By: GIANTS Software
Edited: McKnight
Placeable Refill Tanks: GIANTS Software
Water Pump Stations: skeleton
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.