Among the many positive signals were also received comment to the effect that the map I’ve done is not good, is not realistic, it does not reflect the reality. I want to say that I had previously taken, the current and future maps will always reflect my perception and my personal vision. I encourage everyone that many individual-minded, make a special map, because this game deserves to make it more colorful. Thanks!
1.3 changes
– Development of new sales points (A24_Grainexport_Veszprem). Here you can train your crops are exported.
– Installation of tunnel west of the map.
– Area (beyond the Danube, Tisza-Danube, Tisza, too, animals) to set up a cross-country agronomist.
– Further been extended to trees throughout the map.
– Clear Poplar scrub the entire map.
– Clarification PDA.
– Landscaping
1.2 changes
– Because of the trains, the trails error (the wheels are turned by 90 degrees), the trails have been replaced.
– It will be built in two pieces hot air balloon and a helicopter (the helicopter rotor does not work!).
– Traffic regulations have started to outsource.
– Reduced the number and speed of the boats.
– Update PDA.
– PlanterBoxRound trees in Budapest has seen it.
– Complete replacement vehicle in the shop.
– Replacement of the central tower in the village.
– Minor landscaping.
1.1 changes:
– Expansion of the DigitaleAnzeige1 digital display (past and on) 9 character
– Installation of the DigitaleAnzeige1 digital display (past and on):
o W01_Storage_Centrum
o W05_Farmsilo_Centrum
o W06_Farmgrass_Centrum
o-W07 Farm_manure_Centrum
– Expansion of storage capacity liters 999 999 999
– The file FS17_GrowthControl.zip the fruits of growth to slow down
– A map to replace the entire water surface
– New players to the car wash installation of the missing files had defaultVehicles.xml
– Landscaping
Earlier data:
The map parameters:
4x map
The initial game is equipped with a basic program I converted and supplied equipment. ZIP files for this package must be copied to the MOD
Each field from the outset owned by the player.
The one field is all grass. From here you can provide the grass for the animals.
The plants of various shops and other objects are prefixed marked on the map, and information fields.
The significance of this to get a complete picture of that object which fruits are necessary and what can be sold in stores.
In management, the size of the received prices depend on the transmission distance and difficulty of the approach.
The traffic propose to turn because it enjoyable.
factories and sales outlets, the discovery of objects in the player’s task is to find the map.
Have fun!
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.