The map unfortunately has every error in the log, but in no way does it bother the game.
The map has:
– 2 playable economies, one with cows and one with chickens
– Doors and gates open to the mouse
– There are 20 fields
– 4 meadows
– 3 forests
– Lubelski climate
– difficult terrain
– Mod chop
– Buy grain
– Robmar machines
– Night lighting
– New cereal texture
– Pola for both Polish and foreign machines (I recommend tractors up to 150KM)
– Selling eggs in a rural shop
Pomoc: Bobas315
Authorzy modeli (między innymi) – GoldFox, KarolBdsz, seba j, Giants, i wiele innych.
Testowanie: SToP Team, Wawiorxaxa, Spontaneous Team (ostrzegam że mieliśmy mało czasu na testy)f
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.