FS17 Mavericks Multifruit V 1.0.6
Version 1.0.6
fixed or improved in 1.0.6
1:removed bunkers and replaced it with 6 fermenters
2:rye/oat had reverse textures (solved)
3:drive over the water (solved)
4;grass spots in some fields(solved)
5:sillotrigger mainfarm higherd for CP
6:speeded up some productions
7:conveyor problem for manure (solved) wasn’t a map issue but the ingame conveyor,modded one that gonna work better
8: tweeked the balloons to only 1 instead 4/6 ,caused fps drops for some players and tuned down the noise
9: sugar salepoints fixed
10:fixed some collisions and minor issue’s
11: updated some displays so they’re easier to read
12:fixed field 22 to be seen as a field(but for that you need a new savegame,if you don’t care you can just play on)
all equipment from previous update if you have them you can delete them
added the right dolly to make a roadtrain with the BD pallettrailer
added a modified conveyor that’s able to load the manure from the cows and the pigs the right way.
All will be find in the category for the map in shop
I think all problems should be solved on this map now, maybe some minor problems that doesn’t effect the gameplay.
This should be the final version of this map otherwise i will never get to a new project.
Thanks for all the feedback and kind words.It’s for you guys i do all this work.
Happy Farming
This is the Multifruit edition off mavericksFarm SEASONS ready since 1.0.5 update
It’s actually a multifruit and production 4x map.
Additional field fruits
Oat , rye,spelt,triticale,millet
Plum , pear , orange , apple , cherry,coffeebeans
The factory’s are not working with palletcollectors anymore so they can’t get bugged eather , you will need a special designed trailer to pick up the end products off all pallet based factory’s. 1 trailer made by bdbssb is build in the map ,you can find it in the shop to buy. Another one called producttrailer will be included in the zipfile. No other trailer will be able to pick up the products.
I added allot new factory’s , also builded in the nice factoryPack from BDBSSB
With over 50 products a list off the factory’s will be included in the zipfile aswell will this explanation.
Also replaced the fertilizer and seeds factory’s with a updated model, you will be able to fill your seeders directly at the factory’s aswell.
Needed mods in the zipfile
Holmer pack for rootcrops
12m header sugarbeet/potato
12m header onion/carrot
12m header cabbage,redcabbage,lettuce
Producttrailer to load factory products
PallettrailerBD to load factory products build in the mapfile can be found with the tippers
Liquidtrailerpack , 1 trailer for all kind off liquids , willn’t load fuel from ingame gasstations , will load own produced fuel or from the fuelstorages , 1 trailer loads only fuel to be find in misc category
Hops and hemp has to be cut with a maizeheader
I hope you all enjoy the multifruit edition off this map.
BDBSSB for the support ,the great factory idea and the nice mods
LBG group for testing the map
Shywizard (youtube)and to help making the map seasons ready
Nick the Hick (youtube)
A special thank you to chaseydog (pc-sg modding )
A special thank you to my tester from LBG group
Modders (sorry if i forget someone)
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
can not harvest red cabbage headers from store will not work