FS17 NF Match Map v1.1.0
North Frisian march something new and different. The Match Map is a completely new map , varied and highly charged mod map for perfect duels.
Version 1.1
– Cattle breeding in the East now delivers you the right kind of cow
Cattle breeding East factory display rectified. No more LUA error when viewing
– Milk can now also be picked up at the Eastern cowshed
– Flour factory collision from post to purchase no longer available
Flour factory monitors seen from the street no longer flicker
Flour factory can no longer be supplied without you buying
– Feed oil factory on issue trigger the building now has collision
Flour factory stop sign no longer too wide
Connecting plates at the bridges (the black plates do not flicker anymore)
– Kutter Ost Spwanpunkt changed
– Port entrance now has collision
Refinery are no longer flickering between the two dump tanks
– Beeton tube under the field drive field 10 to 11 slightly shifted field
Target name for fertilizer and seed was still referred to as fertilizer
Refinery the white tanks now have collision
Apartment house next to the lighthouse now has collision
– Mine pit adapted to the dairy cows
-Spawnplätze the shop slightly higher
Sheep wool is spawning the pallet collector now
Sales prices for seed, fertilizer and diesel adjusted.
– Egg pallet display fixed
– Street height partially adjusted (less flickering)
Known bugs that unfortunately could not be fixed
– Compound feed and pork feed is not distributed correctly in the animals to the different types of feed in the east. Therefore, both sides should focus on feeding compound feed and pork feed
For a complete overview I recommend you my 3 match map presentation videos . There everything is explained what you should know to be able to play the challenge well.
<< The map offers >>
– Two completely identical islands for each team. (West and East)
– A big match area with 15 predefined goals
– Choose 8 goals for you to win the match
– Each team has its own cows, sheep and pigs thus 6 species of animals are installed on the map
– Same and equal crops and grass fields
– Many Buyable Feather, Forests and Factories (Everything is identical for both teams)
– Plenty of space for contractors who can support the teams.
– A total of 22 grain fields and 18 grass meadows
– Each team has its own BGA
<< The factories can manage each team for themselves, they are all with every team on the island >>
– Woodworking with sawmill, empty pallet factory, pellets factory and wood chipper
– flour factory for rye, wheat and barley flour
– pulp mill for paper and board
– Dairy for cheese and cream cheese
– cutter for fish and crabs
– Refinery for diesel and cooking oil
– Log production
– Egg court for eggs
– Cattle breeding for cattle depending on the team
– Brewery for beer crate and beer barrel
– Fruit trees for apples, pear, cherries and plums
– Butcher for the further processing of the animals to meat and sausage
– Composter for the production of Compost
– Fertilizer and seed production
<< sales opportunities are on the match map many >>
– Each team island has a Raiffeisen for grain sales
– Each team has a port for grain sales (only passable after activation)
– 3 supermarkets, stadium and restaurant for sale of products on pallets
– Two garden centers for sale of compost, fertilizer, straw, wood chips and more
– Two hardware stores for sale of pallets
– Dairy for sale of milk
The map is available in 2 different difficulty levels. The goals are lower in the light version, so the match is faster.
Maybe there is still time left for a Revenge;)
On my Youtube channel FedAction-LetsPlay there are already some videos about the new map so I’d like to stop by and leave a comment.
We wish you all a lot of fun on the NF Match Map and stay fair at the matches ?
Thank you and best regards
Script: diverseIdee / Konzept: fedaction letsplayTester: Stream Truppe von fedaction – letsplay
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.