FS17 Nicolonia_DC V 1.9
Welcome to Nicolonia, a completely fictitious world. There are 4 farms, 66 fields, 14 meadows and more than 20 different production sites.
Map content: (also look in the pictures, they can explain so much more than words)
At all 4 farms (BGA / sheep / pigs / cows) are storage for fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, seed and fuel. Each farm also has the FarmSiloSystem (capacity 300k). A classic «standard courtyard silo» is not available.
SlowConfigHall at each farm
3 Train Storages (capacity 1 million)
Weinberg / Winzerei / Weinstub (At the “Weinstube” you will be able to pay the income directly as soon as you have produced 4000 “wine”)
ProNaturaAG (fertilizer / liquid fertilizer / compost)
SVAPA AGRO : 4x Palettenwerk / 3x Kartonfabrik / 3x Berernhäuser / Dairy / Meat processing / Wood charcoal plant / Sugar factory
Milk sale at the HoneyMoonHotel (If you pick up the milk at the cows and sell it there, you get something more like the midnight direct sale)
biodiesel refinery
KastorFoodInc. (The trailers / vehicles from the pack are required for operation .KastorFoodInc.)
SlowBee ! Mod needed! SlowBeePack (3 bee houses are already in place / slow_kuhl has yet to be built / the carpentry is not yet available and needs to be bought & placed – -Pets reserved near the shop, or wherever you want- by installing the joinery Really great animations are lost)
Placebal-Area (between Feld5 and field 29 there is still a snow-free area in the winter if you want something missing and want to place something)
Honey wine production (here you can make honey wine from honey, the small barrels you can deliver in the wine shop – in the same place as the small wine barrels)
Recommended Mods:
A big thank you goes to my testers, thank you much again! You are the best.
Another thing about my own thing: I do not have a donation button or anything else in this way and offer this mod completely without “download restrictions”. I would be glad (only if you do not already) if you switch off your PC from time to time and leaves out, considering whether you could not somewhere voluntarily engage. (Clubs, community, etc.) Thank you and have fun with the map.
Strassen/Feldwege: Fatian / seba j
Gebäude/Objekte: Giants, Stefan30Muc, Katsuo (Agrarteam Franken), Niggels (VertexDesign), Nick98.1, Nils23/Blacky, kingkalle – Team LTW, Fendtfan1,
fqC Art., Nico14, power74de, Kevin98k, Slowtide63, CaesusReagno, Zews, SvapaAgro, Kastor, Bärnd, Susi29, Farmer_Andy and many many more for sure who i forgot.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.