Welcome to Nienborstel Agrartechnik! It’s a beautiful medium size map for every farming simulator fan.
The map is very realistic, using real terrain with a lot of details!
Description of functions:
* All Standard Farming Simulator 17 features
* 3 genaral farms, several small storage yards and 2 Sell points
* BGA, Bio Heating Plant and Livestock Market
* Tip Collisions on every barn you can tip in
* Two main forestry areas, plus smaller woodlands for you to cut down as well as a sawmill
* All animals aviable
* Realistic hilly terrain
* The varied shape of fields and the possibility of buying fields
* Animated Gates, Doors, and extra Lights.
* Optimized for Seasons Mod
* Multi Terrain
* Accurate Map PDA
* Special new sky textures and new crop textures
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Think you should take this down as this is bulletbill’s map coldborough park farm and you have just changed the name/
Nice map, been playing it for a while. It’s coldboroughParkFarm!!!!
Yes, David is right.
NOTHING is editet, so this is some Easteurope cheater as all ways.