Today i present the oklahoma map fs15 to fs17. All shaders have been upated. added multifruit to the map and alot od sell points around the map. there is also a forestry areas around the map. verious sell points for wood and wood chips. pda has been updated. i have kept it as maeircan style as possible but with a few ingame things that are scattered around. this is v1 so might be a error or two but i have done well with keeping errors out of the log.All animals present at the new main farm with a greenhouse potato washer potato steamer storage and mixing stations for the animals.there is also butter production soymilk production and budweiser production. milk can be collected from the cows and sold at the debalk buidling and liquid manure. trains run between sell points. the second train can sell at the wood trigger and the end of the map. good starting vehicles are avaible to start production right away.Everything will be added in the unzip me folder to be added to your mods for everything to work properly.
Have fun and any feed back is welcome to improve the map.
FS15 Credits Giants Map creator: cjwilksy Base map: Idaho 2015 Edit by Farmer Klink and Diesel Boss; Original Idaho map: blueweb Map Testers: cjwilksy, JohnDeere1952, killerrf, Deere_Guy, blakealig1, AndyC, and nomadjc Soil color textures files: KimG
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Why did you make the update a rar file I dont know how to change them.
you have to have winrar installed
Nice start on a big map. I did find some areas that need addressed but over-all very good start
it wont load with all my mods on and i tried it without all my mods and just the map ones and it still wont work