I have added my version of sugarcane added sugarcane haulm I have change the texture from brown to red clay
I fix the issue with greenhouses Put info boards at main farm and the storages They have the correct number for each storage
All storage points and sell points has oat added.
I fix the camera while in mine and fix the sign for oat on digit board replace preview page.
I did not replace preview page it still says V1
I added lime mine, added oats, added more trees, south side, fix wool pallet area, added woodchip storage. fix other issues that has been brought before me.
I wanted to make a normal size map and I decided to have the area in the Ozark hills. I hope I got it close to the area. The fields are small to medium size. Has a town that about in the middle of map. There is a big lake so it make the map small. There is 28 fields. The animals are supported over a larger area. I put to dogs out in the sheep pen watching over the sheep. I have a man walking around the hog pen and goes thru the hog barn there you can see animated hogs in there. The are 3 trains, 2 trains are in game and the third is at the west side of map, Union Pacific. I have sail boats and motorboats on the lake.
You will need to move trains so the crossings arms goes up, or you will need to drive around them. The biggest equipment is useless on this map. So the best is smaller tractors and equipment. I hope you like it. This is version 1 and I’m sure I forgot to do something with your input I will do a version 2 when I solve any problems that may come up. Have fun.
all farm fenceing and sheds for maps is by: sandgroper
Pioneer and dekaulb pallets textures by jb3pc4sale
other seed pallets and fertilizers by SF_unpack_me by Wellano920
Danke an alle Modder white hogs
fenceing by: (C) All Rights Reserved – Sandgroper 3rd June, 2011 added barbwire, jb3pc4sale
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Doors and lightswitches don´t work or open.