FS17 Rattlesnake Valley
The Rattle Snake Valley map is heavily influenced on this beautiful area of Montana. With the map been a 4 x default size you will need to chose the correct machinery in order to take on this demanding roll, you will need to take care of your animals and make sure they are well fed so keeping up with your crop production is really important.
Along with that the area relies on local support especially in the forests. Working the forest areas is really tough work with long bumby tracks you will need to deal with and bringing the right setup is what will help you deal with this tough environment. With some typical large fields hiring staff to help out is a vital move if you want to make this farm work.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Nice good looking map. I would like to see smaller starting fields like field14 devided in 2-3 fields. To get better start whit equipment.
Great attention to detail. Nice work!
when i first saw this map on daggerwins channel i couldnt wait for it to arrive for the public thanks alot.
I have been looking forward to this map for a couplr of months now. It is a very detailed map and I can see the time that the creator has put into this map. However, after playing it for an hour or so I had ran into some issues. The fields are all squared off (which isn’t a big deal, I just plowed around them to make them more realistic) but the biggest issue I have is there is a great need for large equipment due to the large fields. I purchased the NH 10.90 combine and find it’s very difficult to move around the map. It’s very hard to get it in and out of the small openings entering the fields, especially hooked up to a header trailer. Even getting a truck and trailer around this map is next to impossible due to the narrow roads and collisions on everything from fences to stop signs. I understand that this is meant to be more realistic, I just find it a very difficult map to navigate with any equipment larger than what you start off with. Thirdly, I cant figure out where to offload harvested grain. I’ve tried looking all around the farm but can’t figure it out. All in all, this is a highly detailed map and I give credit to the creator for all of the time he has put into this map. I just don’t think it’s a map i’d enjoy as I like running huge American maps with large qeuipment. This map is just too difficult to maneuver around. Cheers.
Hey great map I just have one issue with I don’t know if it’s just me or if anyone else is having the same problem but when I manure spread the field I the colour of the manure isn’t the normal colour you’d expect it’s a really vibrant blue colour and when I first realised after letting a hired worker do it and came back to check on him progress it felt like I was on some acid trip seeing the colour of the field hopefully it’s an issue that gets sorted soon really ruined my experience on the map and it’s a shame cos it is a really good map
Awesome map only issues are that the tip anywhere is not working, the chaff doesn’t seem to show up when dumped (it still registers as it is there as the vehicles climb it) and the fields show as grass in the game. If you want any photos of of what I am going through let me know
Very nice map, can it be downloaded on xbox 1
In the last update you moved the cow sheds to a field up near the sheep farm. Are you going to tidy the new cow farm up as it is currently all just sat on grass?
can you tell me how to download it
Press download button
I dont know if its just me is just me or what , where do you fill your seeder and fertilizer ?
Hi, this map is great…..Love the size and detail. Was wanting to move the farms in GE but am unable? I have moved farms in other maps before… Is there something we need to do different in this map?
Well, amazing map. But after play some hours… i have found an issue who makes me crazy… I tip 200.000l of weat on ground, to use a conveyor belt after to transport to my silos… Well, conveyor belt dont load from ground… I need to use a bucked to load the weat… Silage have the same problem… conveyor belt dont load from ground…
Yeap same issue as you, I thought I was doing something wrong until a search for help finally bring me to your post, Just in time before I went mental!