Unzip the main Zip file and place the map into a new mods folder.
Read info text that comes with the map.
Sherwoods requires a minimum of base game update patch V1.31 and has tested error free with update patchV1.4. The map has tested error free on online servers.
If you have an error it is not from the map, look for something else.
This map is difficult to play, you start with just ploughed and cultivated fields, field shapes are from easy to complicated and require a lot of manual work. I do not endorse this map for use with GPS, CP or AI, as I haven’t used them with the map so if they work for you that’s a bonus. The map was requested exactly how it is delivered for a private user who decided to share it with you all. The map was optimised for GTX 1080 and 980 Graphics cards and strong PC systems, I can not guarantee it will work or play as intended on your PC system.
The map will need to be cached in as usual, it will be more than likely choppy in frames until you have driven around the map, saved, exited and reloaded, at that point the map will be cached in.
Map Features:
30 unplanted fields, manual gates, single farm, custom models and textures, chopped straw, installed mods by some of the best around see included english text file for credits. Full custom PDA. Multifruit oat and rye. Bio Pro and separator installed at the BGA and more. Large natural forestry and shaped fields from beginner to advanced. The map has No missions and never will.
Design, layout, textures and some installed mods Stevie, Extra 3D models Luke_BK, server mp testing jman8798, All the rest. Marhu, Farmer_Andy, KevinK98, Kastor, Blacksheep, TeamLTW, Nils23, Webalizer, FSModding, and Eisberg without whom the maps would not be as much fun to play.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.