My version of Sosnoska FS17. This map is designed to play in hard mode.
Moved all animals to the main farm, gave you a house to sleep and live in, sleeping in the cow shed was getting old
Combined several fields and removed several to make grass meadows, added a few tree’s. All new starter equipment.
All missions are available and work as they should, without problems. Free water from the lake near the sheep, extra room for place-able’s near and around the farm.
Version 2 of my Sosnovka edit. Now with chopped straw, which can be used as a fertilization layer, Fully automatic silo system which can now store not only grains but straw, grass, hay, silage, chaff and mixed rations.
Edited more fields and changed some texture’s, faster AI traffic.
Sorry but this is not compatible with you version 1 save game, but is well worth the trouble of restarting
Johnny Vee
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.