FS17 Westbridge Hills Revisited V 2.0.0

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FS17 Westbridge Hills Revisited V 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0
Hello all,
After several months of work and testing, I deliver (version) 2.0 version of my card.
I hope that this one will suit you and the revisit will be at the height of the expectations of some.
I would like to thank the creators of mods, but also my two testers.
Below is a brief overview of what’s new. For more information and credits, you will find a .pdf file in the map folder.
• Total revisit of the map (New game needed!)
• Addition of various outlets and factories
• Addition of trains
• Addition of fields and silos
• Fixed various bugs in version 1.3
• And more
Good game to all.

This is a conversion of the map edited by Holecsko for FS17.
Read the .pdf document for details


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Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 17 Maps Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS17 Westbridge Hills Revisited V 2.0.0 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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