I hope that my version of this card will satisfy you, in your activity as a farmer.
I want to warn you that this version is the very first one and that you might encounter some mistakes of youth.
If this is the case, you can inform me of these errors at the following e-mail address: Epp_143@hotmail.com
Thank you for not leaving comments on the download sites, because I do not look at all of them. In addition, it is easier to
read a message with a Print Screen
I thank the various people who allowed me to use their creations or who made them available on the internet, allowing me
to offer you this map.
I will not quote them here, but a big thank you for the work!
Below is the list of changes made
Version 1.0
Firm zone changes:
• Farm area completely changed.
• New Stabulations for cows, sheep and pigs
• On-farm milk storage.
• New farm silo (Can now accommodate all types of harvestable resources!)
• Filling silos for solid and liquid fertilizer as well as fertilizer
• Manufacturing plants for solid and liquid fertilizer as well as fertilizer (SEEDS & FERTILIZER PRODUCTION from
SanAndreas, Giants, kevin98, Marhu)
• Addition of a petrol station to be filled (with gasoline purchased or manufactured at the biogas plant)
• Removal of the hay sale area (moved)
• Adding a pallet, cardboard, sugar, greenhouse (kevink98 / Marhu / Balacksheep-RC-Devil mod)
• Adding silo “Fermenter 5000”
• Addition of Feed Mixer for feeding cows and pigs
Other changes:
• Addition of various points of sale
• Removal of a field in the farm area
• Deletions from various buildings
• Adding a BIO gas plant.
• Modification of basic textures.
• “Chopped Staw” function added (Mod necessary)
Version 1.1
FS17 Westbridge Hills Revisited Map
From Kikored
Firm zone changes:
• Removal of pallets, cartons, sugar, greenhouses (kevink98 / Marhu / Balacksheep-RC-Devil mod)
(Following a rights issue, I removed this part, but I would replace it with other functional buildings in a future version!)
Other changes:
• Addition of various points of sale
• Fixed various bugs (Thanks to the people who helped me in this task by informing me!)
• Added a “forest” zone
Version 1.2 + 1.2.1
Firm zone changes:
• Modification of the farm silo (Thanks to Danjelmc for allowing me to import buildings from his “California” card)
• Visual modification of various objects and triggers on the farm
Other changes:
• Bug fix Compostmaster
• Retouching of parts of land that were not practicable
• Preparation of the card to go in 4X !! (Not practicable at the moment)
• Bug of potatoes and beets that do not grow corrected
Version 1.3
Firm zone changes:
• Removal of the plank mill (moved elsewhere) and addition of additional cutlery
• Adding a grassy area near the farm
Other changes:
• Creation of a lumberjack camp near the forest zone.
(Available: Sawmill, crushers, wood chip storage area, wood silo)
• Creation of roads and roads in some places
• Various corrections
Important Information:
• You will find a train at the logging camp. This train is not functional, but will certainly be in the next version!
You can still use the silo to store your wood chips
Upcoming Changes:
• Extension of the card
• Implementation of a train system
• Added several sales areas
• Addition of various fields
• Replacing an AI traffic system (once the roads are over!)
The next version of the map will certainly not be published before a few months, time for me to create this new map
area. Thank you for your understanding.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.