FS17 Deutz Desing v1.0
At Deutz, a few things were changed and improved
4 new tire configurations added
Standard Color Black + 4 New Desings to choose from with matching tire labels
Passenger script was installed as well as the indicator Script
Slices darkened
Warrior logo firmly installed
Interior lighting installed + cabins light
Worklight attached to the side
Chrome Exhaust Cover and Dark Interior by Crashi (Thank you) for that
Light generally changed to xenon and also partly used by Tschizack Gaming
Motor configuration added 9340 TTV chip 850hp
Sounds overworked but probably changed in V.2 again I do not like it that much
So have fun with it should there be problems or suggestions then let me know
In version 2, there will be a lot more.
Mod video concept will follow.
Giants/ Wiese8Modding & Modlager.de-Crashi / Tschizack Gaming(Lichter)
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.