FS17 Fendt Favorit 800 Series V 4.0 Final
Version 4.0 Final Umgebaut
Hallo, ich habe die letzte Version vor langer Zeit veröffentlicht und deshalb habe ich beschlossen, diesen Mod zu aktualisieren. Es gibt viele neue Funktionen und das Modell wurde visuell verbessert!
Viele Elemente wurden von meiner Fendt Favorit 900 Serie verwendet. Bald wird es eine neuere version anzeigen.
Änderungsliste für V4 Final Umgebaut:
– Verbesserte Textur, Glanz und Schmutz
– Neue Kotflügel Modell (vorne und hinten)
– Neue Innenelemente, die gesamte Frontkonsole und das Lenkrad
– Vorne Grill Änderungen
– Dynamischer Schlauch hinzugefügt (vorne und hinten)
– Verbesserte Motorleistung und eine neue, stärkere Leistung bis zu 270 PS
– Änderung der Konfiguration aller Trelleborg Reifen.
– Neue Michelin Reifen -> 3 Arten von Reifen (Michelin, Michelin XL groß, Michelin XM)
– Neue RDA System
– Neue reale Abgasanlage
– Beifahrer Script Hinzugefügt
– IC Animation Änderungen
– Die Beschreibungen der IC-Animationsfunktion wurden korrigiert
– Indoor Sounds hinzugefügt
– Möglichkeit, Nummernschilder hinzuzufügen (IC)
– Maschinenbedienfeld hinzugefügt (Veenhuis, Krone, Horsch, Poettinger, Amazone)
– Neue visuelle Konfigurationen (Extra Lichter, Horn Trompeten, Rebo Aufkleber)
– Verbesserung Loader Console
– Visuelle Verbesserung der Lichter
– Bessere Optimierung für Multiplayer
– Und ein paar andere, die ich mich nicht erinnern
Something about changes:
* Changed front hydraulics selection
* Fenders and Warnings work on IC
* New IC Buttons
* 3 color variations that exist in the real world (you can see on yt) Working as design option
* Improved wheels and added choice of silver color
* 2 new sets of tires
* Improved power in model 816
* Organize files inside
* Washable is not full because model must be divided better so it will be made in next version!
All working on basic script with some of my extra configurations:
* Fendt Favorit 816, 818, 822, 824
* 4 Engines with real power from 170 PS to 230 PS
* 3 Visual Design Models (Normal/Black Beauty/ Special Burgundy)
* You can choose between the weight, front hydraulics, adding fenders, warning signs or all in one set
* Diffrent types of Tires. Normal, with weights, Michelin or dual front and rear
* Added Interactive Control(IC) so all the windows/doors are animated
* You can attach Frontloader
* Foldable Fronthydraulic (Remember about it befor attaching something!)
* No Log Errors! Fehler frei!
25 March 2017 V3.0 Final Update
Hello all. This is the last version of Fendt Favorit 800 because I’ve improved everything to the best possible option.
List of changes in V3.0 Final:
– The model is redone and dirt works around the whole model
– New specular texture guarantees better gloss instead of cube
– New center mass and weight so it runs better
– New Interactive Control (IC) buttons
– Added new warnings and also Foldable (IC)
– RDA in wheels (IC)
– Fixed fenders on IC buttons
– Added foldable steering column (IC)
– Unfolding Beaconlights (IC)
– New attacher weights configurations
– Stickers no longer flash
– Added 2 Green texture options (Normal and Special)
– Corrected Lights, back low attacher, wheels and windows rotation
– Now the mod should work on a dedicated server!
6 June 2017 V3.1 Final Fix Update
Hello modhoster! Because the previous version was not good enaugh and caused some FPS drops, I made a Official Final V3.1
Generally most of changes are for optymalization but you will find some new features
Changes list:
– Texture changes for every color and gloss adjustment.
– Changes of color and gloss on chromed elements. Including rear fenders and front axle.
– Changed front fenders. Better for optymalization.
– Replaced Interactive control script for better version. Now your settings after savegame will be the same. Also better for optymalization.
– Removed unnecessary model elements from i3d. Better for optymalization.
– Completely redesigned the wheel configuration. New wheels and other rims.
– Added Cylinders animation in front and rear window.
– New Frontloader Console
– Fixed mirrors.
– Corrected wheels pressure system.
– Corrected sounds volume.
TheModdingCollaboration, Marthu
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.