FS17 Ford forces 7000 V 2.1
Version 2.1
* new desings
* and new configuratios
Hello once more farmers
I present a new modification tractor ford 7000 forces 1.0
Contains no errors in the registry and is fully functional
store data
name: ford 7000
power 120
maxSpeed ??29
Price> 24000
dailyUpkeep 50
If They find a bug leave it in the comments please
Wait for more actializations for this mod
As always many hours of work, I hope and have fun
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Can you add a frontloader option? It would be soooo great!
YES YES YES PLEASE add the frontloader option it would be amazing
Omg yes i loved this mod but its bugs kinda ruined it great work!! And yes a frontloader option would be perfect for this