FS17 MTZ 3022 DC V1.0
FS17 MTZ 3022 DC V1.0
Minsk Tractor Works Belarus 3022 DC for FS17. Power – 303. The price is 58 900 (per day 15). The driver, the speedometer is animated. Floating bridge. Working light equipment (front light, rear light, additional light, stops, turn signals, backlighting device). Working mirrors. Quite good physics. Real tech. characteristics. The doors (keys 7 and 9) open, the rear window (key 8), the side windows (key 4). PTO. With the workers it seems to be normal. Dirty and washed. There is a defect with the front hitch.
Installation: a file in a ZIP format – transfer files / my games / farmingsimulator2017 / mods /
File size: 20.9 MB
Serega Zheltok, MajoR, belarus_999, Игорь Лучина
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