FS17 Cornmill
This is the standard augerwagon but functions as Cornmill.
It will convert MAIZE to CCMRAW in a factor (1 maize to 1.2 ccmraw) to simulate the additional cob in the mix.
in this version the mill function was written as an own specilization. You can use entrys in the vehicle XML to set output and rate
if the mill can load filltypes which have no output or the output filltype is not present on the map it will have the same function as the augerwagon (overlaoding the same filltype at rate 1)
Changelog (Version
Script reworked
mill function as own specilization
output and rate can be adjust through vehicle XML
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How to change vehicle.xml to output ccmraw? I don’t find how to do them…
please refer to the internet as it is a great learning tool (That’s how I found out #YouTube) Thanks