FS17 Humbaur V 1.3
Version 1.3
-Planen Aufbau Kaufbar nicht mehr zuschaltbar
-Objektattacher eingebaut hält jetzt auch Fahrzeuge fest
-Reifen Auswahl hinzugefügt
So Love Com,
Here I have a beautiful Humbaur Trailer for you.
I made the pendant from LS13 for ls 17 finished.
The Urmodder’m not I but Pedeo. Unfortunately I could not get to ask for permission to question him.
He should contact me Fals he sees it please.
So now for the mod.
-LS17 lighting
-Spanngurte faded
-Planken And the tarp can be opened. Planks have Collision.
Blanke Links Open / Close: numpad 7
Blanke law Open / Close: numpad 9
Blanke back Open / Close: numpad 8
Plane Links Open / Close: ALT + Numpad 7
Plane Right Open / Close: ALT + Numpad 9
Plane back Open / Close: ALT + numpad 8
Since it is still a beta will certainly appear or some enhancement Enhancements.
Now I wish you much fun with these trailers.
Textur: Pedeo
Script: Gaints/Sven777b
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
How do you get the ramps to come out to transport the Jcb
How to put the ramps down?