FS17 Vanhool tanks V
-Leergewicht veringert
-Volumen auf 42000L veringert
-Kaufbare anhängekuplung
vielen dank an Weisser für die anpassungen
-diverse anpassungen
-overload schlauch
-Kann fuel jetzt bei verkaufstellen abladen
Hi, Here is my third trailer for LS17.
More and more production need with ever longer off fuel.
The Vanhool tanks is there a good alternative.
Key figures #
Price: € 76,800
Maintenance: € 120
Capacity: 72000L
fillTypes: Fuel (is only for fuel)
MFG Kastor
Model ETS2
Ingame,Texturen,Anpassung Kastor, Joker, weisser
Weitere: Danke an Farmer_Andy
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
can you try to make a gravity box trailer for fs 17 please it was my favorite trailer for fs 15