FS17 Wienhoff VTW 20200 V 1.0
This is a 20 Qubik Liquid manure from the company Wienhoff.
By Liquid manure fertilizer you can deploy to a distributor.
Price: € 67,000
Operating speed: 20 km / h
Required PS: 150 hp
Capacity: 20200 l
Working width: 15.8 m
Maintenance costs: 45 € / day
(The release of the barrel is present!)
Modell: steyr1 [SFM-Modding],Vertexdezign
Textur: Katsuo
Idee / Konzept: FabianLS
Tester: Pics_by_Lucas, FabianLS
Konvertierung in den LS17: Boby-2000
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