FS17 Volvo L180H High-Lift v0.9 BETA

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FS 17 Forklifts / Excavators

FS17 Volvo L180H High-Lift v0.9 BETA


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Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 17 Forklifts / Excavators Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS17 Volvo L180H High-Lift v0.9 BETA Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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1 Response

  1. Peter says:

    Super Idee!!! Bitte mach weiter! Könnte ihn zum Be-Entladen des Zuges gut gebrauchen!! Ein Auszug von meiner Log:

    Error: Can’t load resource ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Michelin/shared/dirt_normal.png’.
    Error: Can’t load resource ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Michelin/shared/dirt_normal.png’.
    Error: Can’t load resource ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/G/Joystick///textury\120h\volvo_l120_kabina.dds’.
    C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Volvo.i3d (468.62) ms
    Warning: Y-Translation of component 1 (node 0>) (Volvo.i3d) should be 0, but it is: 0.054506398737431
    Warning: ‘hasTyreTracks’ is not supported anymore. Please use ‘hasTireTracks’ instead!
    Warning: ‘hasTyreTracks’ is not supported anymore. Please use ‘hasTireTracks’ instead!
    Warning: ‘hasTyreTracks’ is not supported anymore. Please use ‘hasTireTracks’ instead!
    Warning: ‘hasTyreTracks’ is not supported anymore. Please use ‘hasTireTracks’ instead!
    Warning: vehicle.driveGroundParticleSystems are not supported anymore., use vehicle.wheels.wheel#hasParticles resp. vehicle.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration.wheels.wheel#hasParticles instead!
    Warning: attacherJoint attribute ‘minRotRotationOffset’ is not supported anymore. Use ‘upperRotationOffset’ instead for attacherJoint 1 in C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Volvo.xml!
    Warning: attacherJoint attribute ‘maxRotLimit’ is not supported anymore. Use ‘lowerRotLimit’ instead for attacherJoint 1 in C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Volvo.xml!
    Warning: Missing schema overlay for ‘vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint(0)’ in ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Volvo.xml’
    Warning: Missing schema overlay for ‘vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint(1)’ in ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Volvo.xml’
    Warning: Missing schema overlay for ‘vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint(2)’ in ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/Volvo.xml’
    Warning: 3D stereo audio files are not supported. Convert ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/sound/L180idle.wav’.
    to monoWarning: 3D stereo audio files are not supported. Convert ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/sound/run.wav’.
    to monoWarning: 3D stereo audio files are not supported. Convert ‘C:/Users/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSMT_Volvo_L180HL/sound/Load.wav’.
    to monoError: failed to load i3d file ‘data/vehicles/particleAnimations/shared/exhaust.i3d’
    Warning: ‘vehicle.mouseControls’ are not supported anymore. Use ‘vehicle.movingTools.movingTool.controls#iconFilename’ instead!
    Error: Could not parse GISL program.
    (540): ERROR: ‘specularCosPower’ : undeclared identifier
    (543): ERROR: ‘reflectionGlossColor’ : undeclared identifier

    Error: Failed to compile shader 60595394-00027864-00000000-06080890.
    Error: Could not parse GISL program.
    (166): ERROR: ‘modelViewMatrix’ : undeclared identifier
    (475): ERROR: ‘modelCameraPosition’ : undeclared identifier
    (475): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (477): ERROR: ‘oColor’ : undeclared identifier
    (477): ERROR: ‘a’ : vector field selection out of range
    (525): ERROR: ‘oColor’ : redefinition
    (526): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (528): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (531): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (532): ERROR: ‘a’ : vector field selection out of range

    Error: Failed to compile shader 057FE20F-00023881-00000000-06080010.
    Error: Could not parse GISL program.
    (166): ERROR: ‘modelViewMatrix’ : undeclared identifier
    (475): ERROR: ‘modelCameraPosition’ : undeclared identifier
    (475): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (477): ERROR: ‘oColor’ : undeclared identifier
    (477): ERROR: ‘a’ : vector field selection out of range
    (525): ERROR: ‘oColor’ : redefinition
    (526): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (528): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (531): ERROR: ‘xyz’ : vector field selection out of range
    (532): ERROR: ‘a’ : vector field selection out of range

    Error: Failed to compile shader AD1EB70A-00023881-00000000-06080010.
    Physics System
    Version: 5.9.5
    Thread(s): 2
    Input System
    Keyboard enabled
    Mouse enabled
    Gamepad/Joystick enabled
    Force Feedback disabled
    Name: G27 Racing Wheel
    Name: Saitek Side Panel Control Deck
    Audio System

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