FS17 motohoursCounter (specialization script) V 1.0
This is my first script, so please understand.
This basic specialization script allows to add animated analog operating hours counter for vehicle from mods.
After download please unpack zip archive. Archive includes: “motohoursCounter.lua” script, “readme” – installation manual in English and Polish language version, and sample analog operating hours counter in .i3d format.
You categorically mustn’t release any edits of this script, change the original link and impersonate the autor!!! All rights reserved. When you share this script to other websites, please keep the original images, download link and description.
If you saw changed download link, stolen script version (ie. doubles, impersonating the autor or other such similar unfair practices) or you found an issue on my script, please tell me by e-mail: agrodreamliner.mods(a)gmail.com
If you want to release your mod with my script, please write in authors: “motohoursCounter.lua – agro787 (Copyright (C) 2017 by agro787 modding, All Rights Reserved)”.
I wish you nice creating of very good mods, regards, agro787
Script, Idee / Konzept, Tester: agro787
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.