FS17 MPOwner
This mod allows to define who has the right to use your vehicle. You can also set a usage price.
Info: It is recommended to use the MPLogin mod. If the Edit rights menu is not displayed, remove all tools from your vehicle.
Warning: It is necessary to use MPMoney for all the features !
Changelog: V3.0.0.0:
– Define the owner of a vehicle
– Block access to vehicles that do not belong to the player
– Translation EN / DE
Changelog: V3.0.0.1:
– Persistent backup of server-side owner information
Changelog: V3.0.0.2:
– Correcting the warning message in the console
Changelog: V3.0.0.3
– Minor code optimization.
Changelog: V3.0.0.4
– Fixed a bug with identical nicks that has a difference on a character (upper/lower case)
– Change of the key by CTRL-right + O
– Spanish translation
– Polish translation
– Advanced rights management: Multiple users of a vehicle
– Advanced Rights Management: Vehicle leasing
Changelog: V3.0.0.5
– Fixed an unbilled rental bug
Destroileur, ANDR55
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.