FS17 Reversing camera for truck v1.2
With this modification, you have the opportunity to look back out the window when you are carrying a load, just like in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
-Added the ability to change the rear view camera on the right side.
“Not too realistic with trucks, but it works great with tractors.
-The camera of the right side can be turned on / off with the KEY_KP_enter key when you look to the right.
– Added the ability to control (change) the position of the rear view.
– Now you can use the rear view camera on any machine, not just on trucks.
– When the camera is turned on, a hint appears. This function can be activated and deactivated with the NUM_0 key.
– The set position of the rear camera will be saved for the current car.
KEY_KP_enter – Enable / Disable the rear camera on the right side.
KEY_KP_0 – Show / hide management tips (keys).
KEY_KP_minus – Put the camera outside (another review).
KEY_KP_plus – Move camera inside (another review).
KEY_KP_multiply – Move the camera forward
KEY_KP_divide – Move the camera back
KEY_KP_period – Reset the camera position.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.