FS17 Garant Kotte TSA 3000 water & liquid fertiliser pack v 1.0
FS17 Garant Kotte TSA 3000 water & liquid fertiliser pack v 1.0
Garant Kotte is proud to announce two new trailers for the large scale farmer.
The TSA 38000W – your perfect partner for transporting water around the farm. It can handle up to 30000 litres. There is no overloading function, and the reduced complexity shows in the reduced price and daily maintenance fee
The TSA 3000F is a bulk trailer designed to handle corrosive liquid fertiliser and herbicides. With a capacity of 30000 the spraying operation logistics and costs can easily be reduced by reducing sprayer down time.
Both machines are available at your local dealer now.
The TSA 3800W can be found in the shop under “Animals”. It can be filled from a standard water pump. There is no overloading function so it cannot fill up another water trailer.
The TSA 3800F can be found in the shop under “Sprayers”. It can refill from liquid fertiliser pallets, or the placeable liquid fertiliser tank. You can refill a sprayer by driving up to the trailer, or you can use the overloading function to fill into a sprayer.
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