This is the Cat Pack Converted to FS17 by winston9587 this Pack has 16 mods or 15 zip files must unzip main ZIP and copy each file to your mods folder. all proper credits are in the moddesc of each mod.
Original fs13 author Goelm / Cat Edit Getsome2030 Converted to FS17 By winston9587.
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Hello I have a problem with the mod the excavator and the cat 980 does not work when I want to buy them it tells me your purchase and in progress and I see the hourglass turn but the vehicle does not spawn I am forced to make escape And its put me back on the menu of the shop all the other mod works if you have a solution I want it well. Sorry for the mistakes I do not speak English.
excavator is broken every other front loader and truck will drain 200k from your account every in game hour of driving so unless you have unlimited money this pack is broken .trailers are nice though 200k capacity and low loader can fit the big bud w/lock load
all vehicles dont let you buy then bc the loading screen is all ways there and does not let you get it