Version Final
Fahrwerk komplett umconfiguriert.
Preise der Räder auswahl entfernt.
Räder drehen nun alle mit.
der diesel vorrat wurde etwas verkleinert sodass es auch zum nicht gerade großen tank passt.
die räder auswahl wurde sortiert und alles in breitreifen oder straße umbenannt.
Das gewicht wurde neu verteilt, der motorwagen federt nun etwas mehr.
Motorsounds wurden geändert auf den US truck sound.
der schienentrailer wurde nochmals überarbeiten mit dem gewicht und der kurvenlage.
street front räder wurden getauscht.
das ist nun die finale version die ich nun zerzocken werde! ich habe den truck für mich persönlich gebaut und netterweise für andere zur verfügung gestellt, daher werde ich keine änderungen mehr dran vornehmen da er mir so gefällt.
Bull-lamp bracket and roof spoiler at Madabub
have the hook function installed so you can also there the hook exit by Y button, who can not use this function needs in the settings under hook one extend a key assign.
since the matching seemed trailer is not finished yet and I there still needs to make some on handling, I give the modified ITRunner trailer out with. is the same that was uploaded before, I have only him accordingly adapted to the motor car with the speed the tilt, as this in my opinion should then also be equal to
the truck is actually so far done …. I was insert engage the superior street, it has the trailer but are then readied …. let’s see how the truck arrives and whether ripe for the street which are interested in the truck ,
I would like to share the truck on which I have for weeks tinkered again and I wish you all much joy it!
mfg Ap0lLo
I would now also again hold because this is actually my first funtkionierender HKL Truck is in my fleet.
Only to Eastside modding has taken time for me and brought me closer to things over modding.
Then I eventually wrote to the Hoffi because the Cargobull Trailer and you came in this week.
Hoffi has shown and stated that he was almost like a mentor and he does his stuff really great to me very much.
He has taken so much time for me, which I myself have had the feeling I would be a burden to him,
but he has pulled through patient with me and I would like for the time and patience he had with me to express my highest respect.
Both had a lot of patience!
Thank you to the East Side Team
Thanks to Hoffi from Modding World Team
Giants/ Ap0lLo
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.