FS17 Fiat Ducato V 1.0
Hello dear LS17 player!
I have created here the Fiat Ducat as Mod.
What has been done?
Spot reduction
Various tuning options (further be seen from the pictures)
high beam
fog light
Rear fog light
Light !!! addon is needed for the strobe lights, high-beam, work light, Nelbellicht and rear fog light !!!
Lieghtbeams installed (so the visibility minimum is only eingeschrängt)
Indicator were installed
I hope you like him
A Gorßen Thanks goes out to this point BF_Stuttgart for the disposal position of the Ducato Karrosse and for permission to publish this, too.
!!! The interior is special nicht’s what is meaningful in this vehicle is the exterior !!!
Who wants Mekkern because the interior can this myself do got the se bodywork as it is.
Modell: BF_Stuttgart
Blitzleuchten: John Deere 5615F (ZschiZack Gamieng)
If you notice any mistake, please let us know.
Boujour j’utilise votre mod je cherche désepérement la touche pour désactiver les feux si s’est possible merci.