FS22 Adlerhausen Map v1.0

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FS22 Adlerhausen Map v1.0

Welcome to Adlerhausen and to my first map.
Adlerhausen is a fictional map built in the German style.

The mod offers:
– 3 FARMS:
YARD 1= A pig farm with a small chicken coop and a hall, as well as a grain silo and a farmhouse where they can sleep.
YARD 2= A cow farm with a large chicken farm, a greenhouse, 2 shelters, a bee house and of course a farmhouse.
YARD 3= A pure cow yard with a large hall, a small shelter and of course a multi-fruit silo.
– SALES POINTS: There is a large country store (GLW) in the village as well as a restaurant and a small country store outside the village.
– BUYING STATIONS: At GLW you can buy all types of grain as well as fertilizer, lime and herbicides.
– PRODUCTIONS: There is a small village bakery in the village, outside a grain mill, 2 apple trees, a carpenter’s shop, a dairy and also a BGA. Of course, you can also sell your products at the productions as long as they don’t belong to you.
– IMPORTANT: All productions are purchased with the farmland except the apple trees, which must be purchased using the trigger that is on the apple trees.
– FIELDS: There are 32 arable fields and 9 meadows in Adlerhausen. The largest field in Adlerhausen has a size of 5.64 ha and the smallest 0.16 ha.
– FORESTS: There are 5 forest areas, the largest of which has an area of ​​3.61 ha.

Credits: derhalbprofi
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Finding a game interesting after investing 300 hours into it can become a bit challenging. But with mods as long as there is a new update is assured, you are guaranteed a few more hours of new exciting gameplay. FS 22 Maps Mods are one of the greatest upgrades and can make your game unique. Downloading and adding FS22 Adlerhausen Map v1.0 Mod to your game is not difficult at all - you simply need to save a file and run it.

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