FS22 Agro Sul Rice v1.0
Agro Sul Rice is a Map Based on the Southern Region of Brazil, where Rice producers Cultivate around the river ,
Through a water distribution system, flooding the rice planting areas for better productivity.
– Starting as a new farmer you will have a Small Farm with Small Vehicles and implements.
– It also has a Cow Pasture and Free-Range Chickens.
– If you need water, you can get it from the river or lakes.
– In the city there is a Gas Station, Shop, Workshop and Market.
– Selling grain at Pioneer.
– Sale of Bales, Straw, Hay and Grass at MR. Bales .
– Sale of wool and cotton in MR. Cotton.
– Lumber company MR.Woods for sale of Logs and Wood Chips.
– Sale of milk and dairy products at the Dairy.
– Standard Sales points and Factories are spread across the Map.
– Forest area with reduced price for working with wood.
– New Crops Added.
– The Seasonal Growth Plan is personalized and has an off-season for Corn and Beans.
– New animals added. (Hof Bergmann)
– Collectibles are spread across the Map, and interact with the Store’s Gamer Computer.
– Rice harvested in January and February can regrow.
– Some vehicles have been Modified for better Gameplay.