FS22 Grünfelder Land v1.3
Welcome to the Grünfelder Land!
Patch Notes:
New productions
Decoration finished
New economic system
Adjusted existing productions
Adjusted and added labeling for productions
Added collectibles (50 pieces)
Adjusted production prices
Added new silos for the yards
Added earth fruit storage as a placeable object and made existing storage on farm 6 functional
New sheepfold
New chicken coop
Loud sound files have been made quieter
Added parish hall and police station for roleplay players
various bug fixes
The map has a script built in that does NOT require a singleplayer and multiplayer version, the LS and the
server decide now if it is a MP or a SP version.
In multiplayer we have as usual with the 8 farms.
What we offer: 145 fields, 18 forests, 5 villages and 2 towns.
There are some nice places on the map that want to be discovered by you!
Patch Notes:
New productions
Deco finished
New economic system
Existing productions adapted
Labeling for productions adapted and added
Collectables added (50 pieces)
Production prices adjusted
Added new silos for the farms
Added earth crop store as placeable object and made existing store on farm 6 functional
New sheep pen
New chicken coop
Loud sound files made quieter
Town hall and police station added for roleplay players
Various bug fixes
For the butcher you need the mod FS22 ANIMAL PRODUCTION
# FS22 Animal Production
Known problem
A maximum of 250 sheep may be bought from the sheep barn at the same time.
Otherwise the money for more than 250 sheep is debited and only 44 sheep appear in the stable.
FS22_A_ProductionRevamp (at least version is required or the map will not load
# Production Revamp
Please keep in mind that this map is work in progress and bugs and errors can be expected and we are working on them. We try to keep the number of bugs low