FS22 Le Petit Bourg v1.0
Welcome everyone to Le Petit Bourg, a small fictional French town where life is good.
You will be able to grow your farming business in different areas, because you will start your career as a Farmer with 2
farms (cows and chickens) + 1 field + fairly complete starting equipment and a vineyard belonging to you with its own harvester.
The Map is designed for small equipment, the fields are small but can be linked together to give you large fields.
It includes:
– 33 fields + 1 vineyard
– 4 Drills
– 1 purchasable area to create whatever you want
– 10 Sales Points and Varied Productions
Remember to buy the free map background!!!
FS22_ animalBarnPark
FS22_ Stalls
There is only one thing left for you to do: Start your new life as a farmer and make the right choices to make your Agricultural Operation profitable.
Happy Discovery to all and Good game.