FS22 Minburn Iowa E.U.A v1.0
Bem-vindo to Minburn, Iowa, United States.
A map based on the real map of the Minburn Iowa region, a representation of the city with a great environment, traffic on all roads, pedestrians and environments that make everything more immersive!!
Or temporary map…
67 fields
you buy 61 fields
missionaries 4 points
of grain selagem 1 warehouse soon with 3 warehouses, farm house, garage for cars, silo with 5,000,000 liters capacity, warehouses and house, all for sale
1 abandoned land with the possibility of starting simulating a small farmer
1 point of sale of bales 1 point of sale of cotton
1 point of sugarcane sales
5 factories already installed in map and area for new factories
2 points of sale of oil and derivatives
of leite
Product sales point
Platinum e Premium dlcs 2 posts
of gasoline 1 purchase point where you can buy everything you need on your farm
An office to work with wood
4 functional silos located on the map
functional 1 merchant
of animais 1 point
solid strume bandage 1 point
purchase of solid strume 1 point
of sale of liquid strume 1 point of purchase of liquid strume