FS22 NF March 4x v1.2
NF march version 1.2 bug fix + improvements
– AI road network now also in the north and south-east
– Improved AI road network in various places (the rest is a game problem with colli of the helpers and stationary cars)
– New values for seed consumption and yield values for almost all fruits (thanks to (freelancer) Trent)
– Wind turbines are now turning clockwise (thanks to Andy101285)
– Various superfluous textures deleted from the map (map about 260 MB smaller)
– Various technical optimizations
– Slightly increased spawn places at the shop for the vehicles
– Changed depot collision and increased the building a bit so that you can tip trailers better
– Moved a lamp on the road by the port further away from the road
– Improved the transition between the stadium grandstand and the hut
– Added missing water in the ditch at field 38
– Added missing water at field 78
– Added missing water at house 48
– Added missing water at the port
– Dry lake next to the sawmill sales point refilled with water
– Fixed water edge at field 27
– Floating tree behind depot moved to ground level
– Pig feed and compound feed is now displayed in the price list
– Selling prices of feed and compound feed increased
– Selling prices of sand, dirt and gravel reduced
– Moved 2 empty pallets from space for diesel production
– Adjusted the height of the lamps in the carport 45
– Fixed various floating objects above the riding arena next to house 34
– Fixed covered tables at the hardware store
– Shelf/pallets In the hall next to house 39 it is no longer written in the wall
– Car moved at house #39
– Bus stop at field 45 moved back a little
– Fixed floating tree between shop and farmstead
– Collision added at the liquid sales point at the train station
– Field definition at field 46 on the power pole slightly adjusted
– A piece of remaining road under field 21 removed
– Brand flags at the shop are back
– Fixed cars standing in each other next to field 50 (old horse farm).
– Moved tree from Sawmill sell point
– BGA volume significantly increased again so that grass silage missions are not completed so quickly
– Turned the lamp in the curve at the former sugar factory
– Double hide in the forest at field 68 deleted
– Field 35 on the dike leveled again a bit
– Collision with the lamps at the bridge to the island on the top right deleted
– Fixed invisible collisio at position 1612 1543
– Manhole cover a little embellished at the shop
– Tree in the garage at no. 70 postponed
– Deleted fence below ground next to train station
– The heaps83 has moved and we welcome newcomers to 26 Christian to 61 Myndworm and 75 BigBauerAndy
– Scattered sunflower next to field 46 deleted
– Deleted a few deco bushes on field 57
– Removed dead sunflower at the lake below
– Deleted a few wild poplars
Moin people,
On my homepage already available and now also on Modhoster and then probably on other mod portals. The map may be using my download link also on other mod sites.
For the map I still recommend my mod packs. Links and many info videos can also be found on my homepage.
The map offers among other things the following highlights
Fields then forest
On the NF Marsh there are 79 fields
Sizes 0.8 ha up to 95 ha i the total area of all fields is slightly over 1000ha of which about 140ha are grassland
Forest area
There are more than 150 ha of forest with countless trees which are mainly also suitable for timber harvester.
In addition to the standard fruits are new on the map rye, spelt, triticale and millet obstructed, as additional fill types there are on the map earth, sand and gravel
Who harvests much must also sell much. For this purpose, there are 16 different outlets
on the NF Marsh 4fach.
On the NF Marsh Mod Map there are 3 different collectibles to search for. These include 10 pairs of Shelly shoes, 30 FA gold coins and 78 NF Marsh pallets.
For all collectibles, there are shelves at the vehicle dealer that fill up when the objects are found. There is also a bonus for finding all the objects in a category.
If someone can not find all the objects themselves there are on my YouTube channel appropriate help videos in which I show all the hiding places of shoes, coins and pallets.
Vacant areas
There are at least 15 vacant areas on the map which will surely be supplied with productions by me in the course of the next months
Mod Packs
In addition to the map download there are 2 other downloads and namely the Fed Mods Pack and a Fed Production Pack which I will introduce in another video, the two mods are first a summary of all my mods for the LS22
On the North Frisian Marsh it is windy and there a long-term investment in wind turbines can be worthwhile.
The wind turbines built on the map are practically only decoration and can be torn down after you have bought the land and replaced by the NF Marsch windmill
Fruit icons
All fruit icons are revised and look no longer so comic-heavy
Many XXL missions thanks to the map size and the field number
Ground textures
With a total of 18 times baren ground textures, everyone can design his yard and his environment suitable