FS22 Rassvet Reworked v1.2.0.5
– 15 Fields
– Working selling stations and gasstation
Fixes from to
– Fixed all selling triggers
– Fixed ground collision
– Fixed all known places
– Working barriers and gates
Updates: Rework version:
– Added factories, if you want you can sell but got 0 money
– Fully working Animals husbandries
– Refixed not corrected shaders objects and working correctly
– Revorked Mechanical base, builded new Garages, added Vehicles
Fixed Updates: to Rework version:
– Added working sawmill, and supporting fully production chain
– Refixed old positions of bad triggers and fully setted to newest version of positions
– Supporting all another chains together ir productions systems
– Repainted missing area
If you want you can sell all builded objects and vehicles but you got a 0 money. All setted to 0 as default.
Log totally clean
If play on this map require new savegame, old savegame not working correctly.